
We are recruiting new volunteers to help us hold the police to account.

The Tower Hamlets Stop and Search Community Monitoring Group (CMG) is one of dozens of groups across the capital committed to holding the Metropolitan Police to account and scrutiny over the properly targeted and lawful use of stop and search and other police powers.

Like all CMGs, we are independent of both the Met and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. The CMG plays a vital role in delivering accountability on behalf of people in Tower Hamlets.

We are always looking for new volunteers, particularly those with lived experience of policing, people from marginalised backgrounds, and/or people with expertise in police law and data analysis. We commit to putting measures in place to ensure any volunteers feel supported and able to speak to officers and hold them to account.

If you’d like to join us, please click here for our application form or visit our Join Us page to learn more.